Following Your Heart

1/24/2014 goodbyegone 0 Comments

So many people live life for other people, to make them happy rather than themselves. I've been a victim of this myself. In the past, there were times when I put other people's happiness before my own, and yes, although that's a nice legacy to leave behind, it's not healthy when you're hurting yourself in the process.

I think the most important thing to realise is that it's okay to be selfish sometimes. You don't need to live your life based on the way other people are living theirs, or how they expect you to live yours. Do the things that make you happy and don't let anyone tell you they're wrong. If sitting in bed watching movies makes you smile, do it. If you like to paint, splash a canvas. Go for a run, blast your music, start a blog... Do whatever you want to do but do it for you. There's no point in doing something if you don't enjoy it when you could be doing so many other things that are going to benefit you and make you smile.

I'm going on quite a rambly-rant here so I'll leave you with this:

' Don't let other people or what you do for them define your happiness, let it be what you do for you. '

Love you guys. 
xo, Lauren.


Top 5's Of 2013

1/05/2014 goodbyegone 0 Comments

Hi everyone, now that 2014 is here I wanted to let you guys know my 2013 favourites! I already did a video on it over on my YouTube channel is you'd like to check that out (click here) BUT for now, here's my Top 5's of 2013!

1. One year anniversary with my boyfriend
2. Becoming an auntie
3. Turning 16
4. Halloween party with my friends
5. Lucy Hale tweeting me (fangirl moment????)

Let me know what your favourites were for 2013 and I hope you all have an amazing 2014, love you :) xo