
10/26/2014 goodbyegone 0 Comments

So you may have noticed it's been a long while since I last posted, I have a good explanation for that haha. I'm not the best with technology so having to make two google + accounts confused me and I didn't know how to switch between them, ending up in me not being able to access my blog until about 3 minutes ago when I finally figured it out. Hm, not the best blogger am I. 

Now that's out of the way, I'd like to have a little catch-up. SO. MANY. THINGS. Have happened. I had my school formal/prom (blog post coming soon), I have been struggling with University Applications and just school in general. Taylor Swift did a lot of things like releasing two songs from her new album early which killed me for a bit. So yeah, I've basically had a busy month ;)

Sorry I was gone so long, regular posts from now on. 

xo, Lauren