The Christmas Tag

12/08/2013 goodbyegone 0 Comments

So I did the Christmas tag over on YT and thought I'd do it here for you guys :)

1). Use one noise to describe how excited you are for Christmas.

2). Whats the best present you've ever been given and why?
Taylor Swift concert tickets. Enough said, I love her so much. 

3). Whats the worst present you've ever been given and why?
Lolololol. This will get me in trouble but a cupcake. Like, one cupcake????

4). Sing a line from your favourite christmas song.
Santa Claus is coming to tooooooooown.

5). Whats your favourite Christmas film?
ELF. Or the Island of Misfit toys :) 

6). Show how good you are at wrapping a present.
7). If you could rename one of father christmas' reindeer, what would you name it?
Vixen... But I don't know what to....

8). Whats your favourite thing about christmas?
Presents. WAIT, what????

Sorry for the quick tag post, I'm still quite busy and stuff but I WILL definitely be back to normal soon. :)