Feeling Happier

3/17/2014 goodbyegone 0 Comments

Today, I woke up happy. In saying that I don't mean that it's a rare thing, but I genuinely woke up this morning feeling like I had nothing to complain about and I just felt really content (even though this was at 9am but we'll let that slide).

Over the past few weeks, I have gotten myself so stressed out over school. To make a long story short, I just felt as if I wasn't going anywhere and putting in the work was for nothing. However, I was putting in the work but that's something I kept telling myself I wasn't doing enough of, or good enough. 

Yesterday, which was Friday, I told myself I was going to have a 'no complain' day, meaning that anything from 'I'm so cold' to 'I just want to go home' wasn't going to pop out of my mouth. Although I did throw a few complaints out here and there, mostly being 'I feel sick' but I made an exception for that one because, well, I genuinely felt ill. 

Anyway, enough of me justifying my sick-y complaints. I genuinely found myself feeling happier than most days yesterday and I didn't feel stressed, or anxious, or snappy, which I will admit I do on most days. When I woke up this morning, I genuinely believe I felt happier today because I had a better outlook and approach to yesterday's shenanigans. 

Basically what I'm trying to say here is try it. Try going a day without complaining about the little things in life. Embrace the cold days, because soon enough you're not going to be able to wrap up warm and drink toasty hot chocolate by the fire. When you go to complain about how tired you are, just think about how much better your sleep is going to be tonight. Obviously none of us are ever going to be able to go without complaining forever, that's just impossible, but one day. Try it for one day and see how being positive will outweigh everything that's negative. 

Remember, your actions are what define your own happiness, so act wisely. 

xo, Lauren.