Happy New Year!

12/31/2013 goodbyegone 3 Comments

How is 2014 only a couple of hours away? That's crazy. It feels like yesterday that 2012 was ending and I was ringing in the new year lying on my sofa, oh so badass, I know. I kind of don't want 2013 to end, it was such a great year for me. I feel like 2013 was the year that I was genuinely happy, I really took my happiness into consideration and weeded out all the bad aspects of my life and even though it sounds cliché, it really worked. I look back on this time last year and I can see that a lot of things have changed.

The one thing that hasn't changed, however, is the fact that I didn't keep my New Year's resolutions. None of them. So I'm writing here, right now, I'm gonna keep them this year. To help me keep them, I'm gonna write them here and come back to this post next year and let you guys know which ones I kept and which ones I didn't, so here we go:
Work hard in school
Eat healthier & drink more water
Exercise more & not be as lazy
Use the internet less but blog at least once a week
Take more pictures & make more memories

Okay, so there they are. I don't know how I'm gonna do them all but I'm certainly gonna try. Let me know what your resolutions are or do you not have any? 

I wish you all a happy new year and I hope 2014 treats you well, see you then! Lauren, xo. 


What I Got For Christmas 2013 ❇

12/25/2013 goodbyegone 0 Comments

Hi everyone! Sooooo, it's CHRISTMAS! And because it's Christmas, I decided that I wanted to show you what I got from my family & my boyfriend. :)

My Family

Pyjamas, Katy Perry & Justin Bieber books, tinted moisturiser, moustache bracelets, signed Little Mix CD & tickets, straighteners, coffee maker, mirror, photo holder & hanging mirror, naked 3 palette, Robbie Williams ticket and a Topshop gift voucher. :) 


Bath bombs from lush, Miss Selfridge coat, Toy Story jumper, Paris pyjama bottoms and Catching Fire & Mockingjay. :) 

I hope you all had a lovely day filled with joy, warmth & love, and that Santa brought you everything that you wanted. Enjoy the rest of your holiday <3


The Christmas Tag

12/08/2013 goodbyegone 0 Comments

So I did the Christmas tag over on YT and thought I'd do it here for you guys :)

1). Use one noise to describe how excited you are for Christmas.

2). Whats the best present you've ever been given and why?
Taylor Swift concert tickets. Enough said, I love her so much. 

3). Whats the worst present you've ever been given and why?
Lolololol. This will get me in trouble but a cupcake. Like, one cupcake????

4). Sing a line from your favourite christmas song.
Santa Claus is coming to tooooooooown.

5). Whats your favourite Christmas film?
ELF. Or the Island of Misfit toys :) 

6). Show how good you are at wrapping a present.
7). If you could rename one of father christmas' reindeer, what would you name it?
Vixen... But I don't know what to....

8). Whats your favourite thing about christmas?
Presents. WAIT, what????

Sorry for the quick tag post, I'm still quite busy and stuff but I WILL definitely be back to normal soon. :)